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BOSTON, MA – 两大国家医疗保健建设趋势——支持地区社区扩大医疗保健服务, 以及重新利用现有设施以优化城市医疗中心校园的效率,这些都在百家乐软件最近为米尔福德地区医疗中心(MRMC)的客户所做的工作中得到了体现。, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC).

This fall’s grand-opening of the expanded MRMC in Milford, Mass. 庆祝这个以社区为中心的医疗中心“将会得到更好的护理”,” as one MRMC nurse summed up the benefits of the 78,000-square-foot addition. 这种扩张反映了全国医疗保健的趋势,即尽可能在离家近的地方提供最好的护理. 新翼将急诊科的能力提高了三倍,并增加了急需的重症监护和外科设施. Lean approaches, including the work of 百家乐软件’s pioneering Pre-Fab Lab, were instrumental in reaching opening day on time.

And in Boston, 百家乐软件目前在BIDMC的工作是帮助设施团队最好地照顾他们广阔的医疗园区, 并在波士顿朗伍德医疗区进行翻新,以支持领先的医疗保健. 最近扩建了BIDMC东校区的介入放射学套件, 该项目的一些最重要的工作是在施工开始之前完成的. To assure the smooth integration of the new suite’s upgraded mechanical, electrical and plumbing (M/E/P) systems, 该团队使用激光扫描现有的基础设施来了解隐藏在7号楼上方的东西,000-square-foot space’s ceiling.

Pre-Fabrication Brings Patient-Centered Expansion On-Line, On-Target:
MRMC’s New Emergency Department and ICU Wing, Milford, Mass.

A four-year effort of true community collaboration, 本月,米尔福德地区医疗中心(MRMC)的扩建大张旗鼓地投入使用, within just three days of the original schedule, developed back in 2010.  A labor of community pride, 百家乐软件, a Milford-based company, 该项目的施工经理和家乡精神的一部分是否也致力于建设新翼, and as speedily, as possible.

The new Meehan Family Pavilion adds nearly 78,000 square feet of direct patient care to the medical center. 为了满足对米尔福德地区紧急服务日益增长的需求——从38个,000 patients in 2000 to 56,000 last year, 急诊科的床位从30张增加到52张,规模翻了一番,达到近30张,000 square feet. The intensive care unit also expanded—in this case from 4,600 to 13,000 square feet—to accommodate today’s advanced life-saving technologies.

What kept this medical center expansion on track? A range of construction management strategies, most notably, 百家乐软件’s pioneering Pre-Fab Lab, developed at the company’s headquarters in Milford. 作为项目中机电/工程分包商协同团队的制造中心, 该实验室使该项目的M/E/P管道架的预制成为可能, which in turn allowed 百家乐软件 to hasten the project, while creating an even-more consistent project quality, and a safer work environment.

While the use of pre-fabrication is not new in construction, 百家乐软件 is always looking for new ways to incorporate it, 特别是在项目中,它最初可能看起来不是一个明显的选择. 传统上,预制主要在100人以上的项目中实施,000-square-feet, 大批量生产组件的进度和成本效益是明确的.

百家乐软件’s team, led by Project Executive Brian Hamilton, 提出了这样一个问题:“我们如何将预制技术应用于小规模项目。, so they can still reap its schedule, cost and safety benefits?汉密尔顿和他的团队确定了两个关键因素,以适应规模预制项目的成功. First, 当施工经理与没有自己预制设施的分包商合作时, the question of where the work will be done, is an important one. 百家乐软件通过将公司总部的一个仓库改造成一个制造工厂来回答这个问题, aptly named the “Pre-Fab Lab.“然后,实验室可以由多学科的贸易团队共享,在这种情况下,项目的机械和管道分包商。. 这就引出了第二个关键——与愿意合作的分包商公司合作, with other trades.  在MRMC扩展的情况下,潜艇急于完成这项工作.

With more than 50 miles of mechanical piping in the new wing, 百家乐软件 was able to prepare many miles of this in the Pre-Fab Lab. Once fabricated, 这些架子在预定安装的当天被送到了现场, eliminating the need to store them on site, and simplifying material delivery. With this ultra-efficient M/E/P rack installation, 该团队能够轻松地进入施工过程的下一步.

With the Center now ready to help so many more, 社区的支持使这一切成为可能,从完工的建筑中可以看到:50多个捐赠牌匾,同时也是检查室的标志,代表了不同的社区成员,他们聚集在一起,使扩建成为可能.

“Every person involved with this project, and every decision made about it, had one goal in mind, 那就是:创建一个能够帮助我们改善病人健康和幸福的设施. 这简直是梦想成真,”MRMC首席执行官弗朗西斯·萨巴在剪彩仪式上说.

Laser Sharp Exploration for an On Trend Renovation:
BIDMC’s East Campus Interventional Radiology Suite, Boston, Mass.

之前的工作是将现有的BIDMC东校区空间改造成介入放射套件的新家, 百家乐软件’s team completed a proactive investigation of the 7,100-square-foot area’s existing conditions, assuring an efficient construction phase for the new suite.

“Before construction began, we captured the question marks,” explained 百家乐软件’s Project Manager, Sean O’Keefe.

Using 3D laser scans of the area’s above-ceiling M/E/P systems, 团队确定了现有系统的确切位置,并可以规划所需的拆除和确定新套房的空间布局. With this accurate existing building data, 百家乐软件能够创建一个建筑信息模型来协调M/E/P系统升级的无缝集成.

新的介入放射套件的建设工作分为三个阶段, the team first built the area’s new reading room and office, then the interventional radiology procedure areas, 今年秋天完成新套房的支持区域的建设. 每个阶段都严格遵守感染控制风险评估程序进行管理, including the use of temporary partitions, indoor air quality monitoring and daily site cleaning. 团队的施工时间表也被制定,以减轻施工对BIDMC患者和工作人员的影响.

每个阶段都从内部拆除开始,包括对空间暖通空调的升级, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems, the construction of new partitions, doors, ceilings, 地板和木制品,并安装单位的新成像设备.

One in a series of projects with BIDMC over the last several years, 百家乐软件还完成了一系列探索性项目,为BIDMC主广场的未来重建提供支持.